Are you looking for a website that could help build up your businesses’ online presence and connect with fellow marketers? No need to look further as Skype in the Workplace (SITW) could be just the website you need.
SITW is today’s newest online platform that’s originally dedicated towards businesses and business owners. SITW has been operating for approximately six months already and currently has 500 business marketers in 140 categories under its belt.
But the real question is, how do you, as a business owner benefit from SITW?
Firstly, the SITW draws on a large number of users from Skype which permits for business owners to promote products and services to already existing and even new found networks and connections. As Ural Cebeci, Skype’s product marketing manager states on her blog:
“We aim to connect millions of small businesses with Skype in the work space and believe that by taking advantage of this shared network, businesses can develop the range of tools they need to grow, regardless of location or industry”
Using Skype’s phone, chat, and video calling feature, users are given a variety of options as to how they would like to communicate with present and new connections. As a matter of fact, a user also has the option to backtrack and record skype calls and videos via a free skype video recorder.
Indeed, choosing how to keep in touch with connections is crucial as every connection is a possible business prospect you can’t afford to lose.
Likewise, using SITW video-to video correspondence, business owners could conduct a live stream to demonstrate their newest products and services which could come off as a big help especially if trying to reach a wider range of audience base.
Also, SITW would serve as a hub where business owners could professionally correspond with experts and coaches alike who could provide relevant tips and advice that could help beef up businesses.
Lastly through SITW, users can make and reserve appointments with business prospects and dealers that they can keep an eye on via a meeting notification feature.