Even though the deal regarding Microsoft’s takeover with Skype has been closed almost a year ago (with Microsoft buying the rights to own Skype with $8.5 billion), it was just recently that Microsoft announced that they’re finally integrating MSN messenger on Skype. Which could mean only one thing: Skype users may now log in on their accounts using MSN messenger and vice versa.
So that if users access their MSN or Skype accounts, they can right away check who’s online on either of the accounts and begin chatting or video calling.
The Skype management assures though that once MSN users download the latest version of Skype and log on to their accounts, their MSN contact list will be synced automatically. In addition, as soon as MSN users update to Skype, they may also enjoy added features, such as:
- Group video calling
- Facebook video calling with friends
- Video calls on cellular phones
- Video calling, instant messaging, calling telephones and mobile phones all in one place
- Sharing screens with other users
- Extensive device support which includes iPad and Android tablets
But although a lot of people are pretty ecstatic about this newest feature in MSN, there have also been a lot of complains among users, including not being able to see their MSN contact list on their Skype accounts (only their Skype contacts), users having a completely empty contact list, losing MSN messenger “nicknames”, messages not getting delivered and having a permanently “offline” contact list among others.
Presently, Skype hasn’t publicized a general solution just yet to any of the user’s concerns mentioned above and even when you try looking up for possible solutions on the Internet, nothing relevant comes up.
Skype then should fix these glitches really soon, otherwise, users might just slip away and look for other live chat providers.
PS: Supertintin works on both Skype and MSN. Get this free skype video recorder today!