How to Use Skype for Content and Collaboration [Skype for Business]

Skype for Business Calls

Skype is one of the best tools for business content and collaboration. Collaboration can happen with a few phone calls, but with Skype, it gets better. Here’s how you can use Skype for business collaboration:

  1.  Skype has a video conference feature that can allow 8-10 businessmen to hold meetings at the comfort of their own offices. All you need is a great quality webcam, a good audio device, and fast ethernet.
  2. If there are files that need to be transferred, you can easily do so by attaching the documents at the chat window, without disrupting your conference call.
  3. Skype also allows screen sharing for a quick demo of software, or even presentations you made.

Skype is also a great tool for creating web content that you can upload on your company website. With Skype and a Skype video recorder, you can record interviews done through conference calls, and create quality podcast episodes.

  1. All you need is a good transcription or script with rich content, then you can record yourself while you’re reading the content.
  2. You can also do a conference call with another person, and record the interview as a podcast or video content for your website.
  3. After recording, you can easily upload the created content with a single click.

Recording important Skype conference calls, video calls and podcasts are a breeze with SuperTinTin. It’s a great recording software that has a user-friendly interface and can record audio and video streams done in Skype with the best quality there is, since it doesn’t rely on screen-captures. Click on the link to start creating content for your websites using Skype and SuperTinTin.


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