When you keep on experiencing problems while using Skype, your initial reaction is to find a solution to it. You’ve tried every troubleshooting technique, still you encounter problems with audio, video and connection. Best thing to do is to uninstall and the reinstall Skype to make it perform better and faster.
How to uninstall Skype on Windows 7, Vista and XP
- Close the Skype application and make sure that it is not running.
- Save and keep a copy of all your personal information and files such as voice messages, chat messages, video snapshots including calls recorded through SuperTintin.
- For Windows 7 and Vista, Click Start, type run and press Enter. For Windows XP, click Start then Run…
- Type %appdata%\skype and click OK.
- Copy the Pictures folder and the folder with your Skype Name to your desktop.
- To uninstall Skype. For Windows 7 and Vista, Click Start, type run and press Enter. For Windows XP, click Start then Run…
- Type appwiz.cpl and click OK.
- Right click Skype on the list. Select Remove or Uninstall.
- To delete the Skype application folder. For Windows 7 and Vista, Click Start, type run and press Enter. For Windows XP, click Start then Run…
- Type %appdata% and click OK.
- Delete Skype folder.
- Make sure that the Skype program has been deleted by going to C:\Program Files. Then delete the Skype folder and the SkypePM folder.
- Delete any more Skype entries from the Registry. For Windows 7 and Vista, Click Start, type run and press Enter. For Windows XP, click Start then Run…
- Type regedit and click OK.
- In the Edit menu, click Find. Search for the keyword Skype. Right click to delete all Skype related search results.
There are also other programs that can help easily uninstall the Skype program like the Revo Uninstaller Pro. These apps are more advanced, fast and can uninstall any remnants of a program that a regular uninstaller leaves behind.
To reinstall Skype:
- Download and install the latest version of Skype.
- Restore saved personal information. For Windows 7 and Vista, Click Start, type run and press Enter. For Windows XP, click Start then Run…
- Type %appdata%\skype and click OK.
- Copy the Skype folder and the SkypePM folder into the Skype folder.
Uninstalling and reinstalling Skype on your computer shall help resolve all issues regarding making calls with Skype.
PS: Make sure you always record your important video calls and conferences. There is a video recording app that you can download and use to record your video calls called SuperTintin. Store all your important conversations for future use and easy playback with SuperTintin.