Companies all over the world use Skype for business. Voice over internet Protocol (VOIP) brings considerable savings in communication costs.
Aside from communicating through voice and chat, employees have found additional features such as a Skype video call recorder very useful especially in documenting important conversations. All you need is a stable internet connection with sufficient bandwidth with at least 400kbps (for video calls), audio devices and a computer that is fast enough to run Skype.
For Windows:
The versions compatible with Skype are Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit versions supported) and Windows 8 (Enterprise N or KN). The processor needs to be at least 1 GHz with at least 256 MB of RAM. Downloading DirectX v9.0 or above will also be required.
For Mac:
Mac users with OS X v10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion) or 10.8 (Mountain Lion) can download the latest version of Skype. You should also have at least 1GHz Intel processor (Core 2 Duo) and at least 1 GB of RAM. The latest version of Quicktime is also required. (Note: Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard does not support Skype for Mac 6.4 and higher.)
For Linux:
Linux OS has several versions. As long as you have one of the following: Ubuntu 10.4+, Debian 6.0+, Fedora 16+ or OpenSUSE 12.1+, Skype should work perfectly. The processor needs to be at least 1GHz with at least 256 MB of RAM. You will be required to have these additional software: Qt 4.6, D-Bus 1.0.0, libasound 1.0.18, Pulse Audio 1.0 (recommended) and BlueZ 4.0 (recommended).