Did you know you can earn additional income through Skype? This is possible through the Skype Affiliate Program. This happens when you (the publisher) place links to Skype (the advertiser) on your website. Commission Junction, Skype’s affiliate network provider provides everything you need to participate and earn from Skype’s Affiliate Program.
Here is how the Affiliate Program works:
- Create a publisher account with Commission Junction.
- Place a link to Skype provided by Commission Junction on your website.
- When a visitor clicks on the link in your site, he is directed to a Skype site.
- A cookie is placed in the visitor’s browser good for 90 days.
- Anytime the visitor makes a purchase on Skype during this 90-day period, the purchase is tracked and you get a commission from the sale.
- Payments are made at set intervals of the year provided you exceed Commission Junction’s minimum payout amount. Payment will be checks sent to you via mail or direct bank deposit in your designated currency.
Commission Junction tracks all the online purchases made and pays out the commissions you earn from the program. They also provide you with affiliate marketing resources training. They have a rich set of resources and FAQs for their publishers which you can access anytime as long as you already have an account with them. Also, they provide the links that you need to place on your website. Skype, on the other hand, manages the order taking and billing process.
Take note that if the visitor’s cookie is disabled, the customer is out of range of publisher tracking and any sales made cannot be tracked. However, 99% of all internet users have their cookies enabled so it is highly unlikely that a sale cannot be tracked. Cookies store information about which links the visitor clicked on and from which site and this enables Commission Junction to know which publisher to pay for a sale.
Skype has many other features that you can take advantage of. Maximize your Skype user experience by recording your voice and video calls using your free Skype video call recorder. Visit www.supertintin.com now to learn more!