There are things that seem to be easy when it is done by experts. But if you do it yourself, you may have a hard time figuring it out. In checking for Skype updates, it is easier than you thought it would be.
But the problem that we are facing right now is to how to check Skype updates. It is very easy once you know this easy to follow step by step guide.
- You must download and install Skype in your computer or any device that you wish to have Skype installed. Obviously, you cannot update Skype when it is not even installed in your device. After you are done with the installation process.
- You must log-in to Skype. If you are not yet registered, click “Create Account” button and follow the instructions.
- After logging in, click the “Help” tab which is located at the top right portion of Skype page. There will be an option where you can read “Check for Updates”, click it and wait for a while. Please take note that waiting time depends on the speed of your internet connection.
- Lastly, there will be a pop up dialog box that will tell you if you have the current version of Skype or if there is an available updates. Click the “Download” button if there are updates and the installation will automatically follow after the downloading process. After that Skype will restart and you have an updated version of Skype in your device.
PS: Want to record skype video calls? Use Supertintin Skype Recorder. It features a very easy to use interface that even a kid can navigate through them. You can visit for more information about it.