In today’s dog-eat-dog world, there’s a real need for a person to learn how to protect themselves. Whether you’re a bank manager or a simple homeowner, you can be the next target for thieves.
If you were a bank manager you can have state-of-the-art security systems installed, but what inexpensive alternatives could you have? Here’s an idea: set up your own, inexpensive remote video surveillance system.
Everyone knows today that having CCTV cameras can be vital in catching criminals, especially if you are away from home a lot. Here’s what you’ll need to set you own home system up, cheaply!
1. Webcam. You might have one lying around somewhere, especially if you video chat. If you’re goiong to buy a webcam, you might want to go for something that captures decent images. Web cameras that have a 5MP capacity can be bought for around $20.
2. Computer. Make sure it works with Skype
3. Skype. Yes, this popular VOIP program can be turned into a remote surveillance system.
4. SuperTinTin. This Skype video call recorder will turn that ordinary Skype call into a viable remote security and recording system.
5. USB Extension Cable. If you want that camera to be hidden or placed in amore secure area.
Here’s what you need to do:
Set-up the computer and webcam. If you want, you can keep the computer hidden or in a room and use the USB extension cable to set up the webcam in the area. Make sure that the camera is secure and that it captures a decent view of the area.
Install Skype on the surveillance computer and creat a unique user ID for your security system. log that ID in and add your Regular Skype name to its contacts list. Under the security cam’s privacy options (tools>privacy) make sure that it can only accept calls from the contacts.
Click tools>>options>>call and click the button saying “show advanced options” in the next window, check the boxes labeled “answer incoming calls automatically” and “start my video automatically when I am in a call”. Hit “save” and you’re done!
Call your security Skype cam from another computer. You should install SuperTinTin on that computer and your security computer, configuring it to record the video feed from the security camera, thereby making sure that you have a record of whatever’s going on. You can also install Skype on your smartphone or mobile device and call up your security camera when you’re on-the-go!
There you go: you don’t really need a lot of cash to set up your own remote security system: just Skype and SuperTinTin!